What is Qi, Ki, Energy: uncut (uncensored) and without mysticism

In this small article I would like to dispel a myth by which the term "Energy" is fanned and to bring some clarity. Many practicing and interested in a subject "developments and Energy accumulation" introduce too much fog in this word that certainly prevents to understand an essence of processes in which they are engaged. The same situation is observed among teachers of traditional systems of self-development (including Chinese chi kung). As a result the general delusions pour out in speculation in mysticism and misunderstanding strengthening in the environment of the practicing.

As the term "Energy" meets in the majority of self-development systems, its understanding has basic character.

Everything described in this article is part of methodology of the school of a chi kung and self-development "Wu Dao Pai", so the results were checked by practice, instead of theoretical conjectures.

So, let’s start!

"Qi" can be translated from Chinese conditionally as "Energy". However this translation is conditional. Why? The matter is that the term came from the Chinese culture and as many words having close connection with the cultural environment, difficult adequately to translate it into other language in which such term never was. But we are not interested in cultural and morphological subtleties of this word. Unfortunately very many practicing start concentrating on these subtleties. The use of this term in a context psychophysical the practicing is interesting to us.

At “Wu Dao Pai” school one of the main methods of training is so-called "the method of questions". Therefore better to understand "Qi's" sense, let's start with questions.

What is the Energy? What kind of it can be?

Energy can be kinetic and potential, electric and thermal, wave, renewable and natural, mechanical and biochemical, etc.
We can name a lot of types of energy and here it is important to note two specialties:

  • Practically everything that we described has no communication with mysticism or esoteric. These are terms simple and clear to any person.
  • The listed types of energy are very various among themselves and are often directly opposite on value and sense depending on a context. All these terms describe certain phenomena of the different nature.

So, we will try to answer – what is energy?
Energy – is the descriptive, collective term describing any phenomena. And in this term there is absolutely nothing mystical or esoteric. It is important. After all the mysticism begins where the understanding comes to an end to fill the formed emptiness. As Energy – is Qi's analog in the European culture, it is possible to tell that Qi – it also, the collective and descriptive term which can designate very different things, depending on a context of application of the term. But what as a rule describe such term?

For example, the Chinese will call any change of weather literally: "Changing qi of the sky". Or, if the weather is bad, they tell: "Qi of the sky is bad". However they won't mean that there was something mystical or magic. It simply thus will describe situation change with weather. Also if a patient in China comes to clinic of traditional Chinese medicine and will complain of a problem, for example with the stomach. The doctor after diagnostics, most likely will tell him that qi of a stomach is bad, superfluous or insufficient, that is why it hurts. Thus, the doctor will simply describe a problem, without putting in the words a uniform share of magic.

Also the situation and in a case when the pupil starts being engaged in meditation practice is. Though any time the pupil comes to the teacher and says: "My body hurts, it is impossible to practice for long". Or probably the pupil will ask: "In a body there were new different feelings. What are they?". And then the teacher in both cases will simply tell the pupil – qi changes, practice further! Thus, rational mind of the pupil receives "answer" and for a while calms down, allowing the pupil to continue practice. Though actually present answer wasn't given. Well what sense for the teacher to explain all subtleties of mental and biochemical processes which occur during meditation practice? Probably he doesn't know all these subtleties. For this reason it is simple and convenient to tell: "It’s qi – don't pay attention! Continue to be engaged!".

As well the Chinese doctor, what can he tell the semiliterate worker about his problem? Whether there is a sense to explain all subtleties of workings of a stomach? No, of course, much easier to say that it is all from bad qi.

Thus, we found out that Qi – is really a convenient term by means of which it is possible to describe a set of the processes happening in a body and mentality of practicing during practice of meditation.

What is Qi, in a context of psychophysical practice?

Definitely you heard about such idea: The human – is a self-repairing system. Not many people will argue that it means the human body is capable to restore itself. So, then we will answer a simple question: "If the person – is self-repairing system why we are ill? Why different problems not only arise in us, but also, what it is more important – develop in serious diseases? Why often the person isn't able to cope with a problem quickly? ".Certainly each of you can recall about ten different reasons. But let's look at the reasons which depend on our organism.
And this reason is only one – a lack of energy. And we talk about two of its types, after all psychophysical practicing provides work with a body and mentality:

Qi as energy of a body or biochemical potential.

Our body constantly makes a huge of a biochemical resource: hormones, amino acids, various cages and mineral substances. This biochemical resource is nothing more than a construction material of our organism. The organism uses a biochemical material to eliminate problems, to patch holes. In other words, if the organism finds a problem illness in itself, by means of special recovery mechanisms, biochemical potential goes an organism to eliminate this problem. If it isn't enough this potential, the problem can't be eliminated. Just imagine that if you build the house and cement, bricks – to you not rather construction material comes to an end – building stops even if you know what you need to do. Thus, the lack of energy is a lack of development of a biochemical material for your own body. Also it is one of the reasons why the person is ill and diseases have opportunity to develop – the body doesn't have construction material.

Qi as mental potential or energy of Attention.

The attention – is a kind of the energy concerning human mentality. The lack of attention also generates diseases. Why?
The attention has two main functions:

  • To fix signals, to notice them (internal and external).
  • To strengthen a metabolism, in that area on which it is directed.

If the person doesn't notice something, he is called inattentive. The attention is responsible for our ability to notice these or those processes and the phenomena. Thus, the attention – is a function of mentality which "notices", fixes any signals. And, just as it fixes signals of the world externally, it also notices signals of the world internally.
It can be your thoughts, feelings, emotions or signals from internally (problems and tensions), any internal problems.

Attention as a locator

The attention acts as a locator – fixes signals from that zone on which it is directed. For example, if you direct attention to this or that object you will start fixing all signals connected with this object. If you hear a dog bark, your attention will be focused on this sound, you will turn your head and you will see a dog, estimate its aggression, the size, the bark reasons, and most of these processes will occur unconsciously. Having estimated the situation there is an opportunity adequately to react (if a dog runs to you and is adjusted spitefully – you are protected, if it sits at a fence – you go further) Also everything occurs in our organism. The body gives a sign by means of pain or any other signal that a certain area of your body is not as it should be. You unconsciously direct your attention there and an organism has an opportunity to record not only violation, but also its reasons, volumes, etc. All this helps an organism to react adequately to a problem and to eliminate it. In the same way as with the bark from a dog.

Attention and metabolism

The attention strengthens, intensifies processes in the field of the appendix. For a body activation of processes designates metabolism strengthening in a place where the attention comes. Metabolism – this receipt of a biochemical material, strengthening of blood circulation and not more. Here we have reached interesting property of attention – the attention operates blood. Blood carries out transporting function in our organism. It means that blood helps useful substances to get to this or that area and to remove disintegration products from this area. Thus, blood circulation and blood supply is one of major factors of health in all areas in the body. The person who operates the attention – operates their own biochemistry (that is your body makes construction material), operates blood of the organism. That is, if the attention is badly developed, it directly influences blood circulation, metabolism and detection of signals from problem sites in a body.

As a result with a help of special exercises it is possible to learn to accumulate and develop Energy (Biochemical potential of a body and psychic potential – Attention) to help yourself to be healthy. Except described in the article, there are some more kinds of energy which you work with in the course of meditation practice. However all of them have psychophysical character.

In the next articles I will try to tell you about that, how exactly there is an accumulation of Energy and its development at the expense of various practices and exercises and to which results it leads. Also we will talk about the attention in detail, after all written here – it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Good luck in self-knowledge! Also remember, in meditative practice there is nothing mystical, so look for understanding!

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